We start with a review of the important principles and concepts of Foundation, as well as the core techniques on which we will be building and advancing.
We start our exploration
of this most importtant advanced tool with Dr. Karim's discovery of the hidden template of the human archetype in the Egyptian temple walls.
Using the HAR to measure BG3, chakras, spaces, body organs etc. All measurements can be done at any specific plane or sub-plane of nature, opening vast possibilities.
Using the HAR as an emitter of any variable placed on it, as well as emit the energetic integrity of the human archetypal level. Very useful for personal applications.
This lesson teaches you how to use the extremely versatile Dial to correct energetic imbalances in spaces, body organs, worktops, earth energy lines and so on.
Using the magic of BioGeometry to generate high levels of BG3 in any space through using samples of tiles, wall covering, furnishings and so on in the MBW.
We cover three important stands - Corner Stand for BG in spaces and correction of gridlines etc, Hemberg for toxic outside sources e.g. masts and Outdoor Stand.
An important chapter in BioGeometry, the planes and sub-planes of our invisible reality through which we can harmonise problems at hitherto inaccessible deeper levels.
A small but amazingly potent emitter of unpolarised BG3 which provides energy clearing at deep levels. This might become one of your favourite personal techniques.
A powerful technique of ancient origins, the Net is a visualisation method for clearing objects, people and spaces energetically at levels from physical to spiritual.
Using the modified Turenne Ruler (supplied free) to measure % resonance between objects. We also addresx the Threshold Principle so useful in all energy work.
The positions to activate chakras especially the protective little known base-ground chakra and the three higher spiritual chakras, and the sound that opens them all.
The fascinatung Brain Stands which help synergise left and right brain. Includes deep metaphysical explanation of the two torus axis which are at the root of spiritual work.
Taking Biosignatures further, including focus on special biosignatures and the use of Bionumerals to combine two methods for correcting energetic imbalances.
Using Harmonic dimensions (Excel file provided) for BG3, harmonic scaling methods of placing elements in rooms to help neutralise gridlines, and more.
We discuss powerspots through history in architecture. Learn to create a grid of powerspots in your area and connect it to a BG3 spot in the sky just as the ancients did.

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